Good news for all you Nintendo fans: the Nintendo Switch is finally getting its day. Or rather, it’s year. What else do you call it when this nearly 6-year-old video game console is now officially the third-best-selling console of all time? And I really do mean of all time.
Nintendo Switch: Now in the Top 3 Running!
Nintendo just released some sales information detailing total unit sales for all of their video game consoles. In that list, they revealed that the Nintendo Switch has sold a total of 122,55 million units since it first launched globally on March 3, 2017; with a total of 994.30 million units of software sold on that console, as a little bit of bonus info. But anyways, that detail about Nintendo Switch unit sales has automatically confirmed that Nintendo’s newest (in a manner of speaking) mainline video game console is now the third best-selling video game console of all time.

So which console beats the Nintendo Switch, you might ask? Well, in second place, we have the Nintendo Switch’s older and smaller sibling: the Nintendo DS. This innovative handheld console has managed to sell a whopping 154.02 million units since Nintendo first released it back in November 21, 2004 in NA region. At “only” 948.76 million units of software sold though, the Switch still beats it there. But only just barely.

Unfortunately, the top spot is where Nintendo finally loses. Specifically: to Sony. Apparently, the PlayStation 2 manages to just barely beat the Nintendo DS at over 155 million units sold since it first launched in Japan on March 4, 2000. And that’s just the reported figure. Sony stopped reporting individual console sales back in 2012, so it’s entirely possible that the final sales figure is much higher than this reported figure. This means that if the Nintendo DS or even the Nintendo Switch wants to beat the PS2, they’re going to need to sell even more than they already are.
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Source: Nintendo