Any Fullmetal Alchemist fans out there remember Shou Tucker? You know, that one alchemist who murdered his daughter and dog to turn them into a chimera just to renew his State Alchemist license? Do you remember how satisfying it was for Scar to brutally murder him? Well, one fan artist remembers, and is a fan of Spy x Family on top of it. How else do you explain this new piece of fan art where they sic Yor Forger on him?

Stand By for Yor-Fall

"Spy x Family" x "Fullmetal Alchemist" fan art by haraya.
Angry mommy inbound in 3…2…1…mark. Artist: haraya.

Fan artist haraya recently posted that bit of Spy x Family and Fullmetal Alchemist crossover fan art above on Twitter. Said fan art can be divided into 2 separate parts. At the bottom, we see Anya and Bond Forger confronted with no less than Shou Tucker: the infamous “Sewing-Life Alchemist“. He’s holding a bag of salted peanuts in one hand, clearly intending to lure Anya in. His sinister grin and glared-out glasses clearly indicate sinister intentions on his part, if the fact that he’d been stalking Anya to find out her favorite food doesn’t tell you that already.

Fortunately, Anya isn’t buying it. As a telepath, she can definitely tell this creepy strange doesn’t mean her well. Even Bond is madly telling her to get away, thanks to his own precognitive powers. The ability to tell the future in this case is probably traumatizing poor Bond with what Shou Tucker plans on doing to them if he got his hands on them.

Even more fortunately though, you can see the other half of this fan art in the top half. There, you can see Yor Forger dive-bombing into the scene. Seeing Anya and Bond in trouble likely filled her with as much Determination as it does rage. Whatever the result of this incident is, I don’t think Shou Tucker is going to be performing any more inhumane alchemical experiments on little girls anymore. If he even lives through this, that is. Which, to be fair, I highly doubt.

Heck, maybe the Forgers can even adopt Nina and Alexander while they’re at it? Just a thought on a possible sequel to this Spy x Family and Fullmetal Alchemist crossover fan art. If haraya ever decides to draw that sequel. We can only cross our fingers and hope that will be the case in the future. If not, well, then there is always fan fiction.

Source: Twitter

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