More rumors are flowing throughout the Star Wars universe tonight. New reports suggest that Lucasfilm is currently working on more Star Wars spin-offs for the new Disney+ streaming platform. The reported spin-offs on the table are a Finn and Poe series and one featuring Lando and Qi’Ra from Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Disney Planning New Star Wars Spin-Offs

These reports came from We Got This Covered. They claim that Lucasfilm is looking to give these four characters their own series on the Disney+ platform. The new serials will be in addition to The Mandalorian and the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Cassian Andor series. The new spin-offs are reportedly in their early stages, so as of now there are very few details on whether the original actors will be reprising their roles.

So, will we see Emilia Clark and Donald Glover reprise their roles? Clark, who played Qi’Ra, definitely left fans in shock when they found out at the end of Solo: A Star Wars Story that she was working with Darth Maul. So, could we get more Maul as well? I guess we will have to wait to find out.


Also, Donald Glover gave us a great young Lando Clarissian in Solo. Who would not want to see him reprise the role and give us more of a back story on Lando? There is still so much we want answered Like where did he get the Falcon in the first place, or how did he get to Cloud City suspended above Bespin.

Poe and Finn Team Up for New Buddy Series

Who knows what we will see from the Poe and Finn series. With them just wrapping up filming on Star Wars Episode IX we probably won’t get any information on that series until after it Episode IX later this year. That way they don’t release any possible spoilers from the film.

Well if looks as there will be no shortage of Star Wars material over the next couple years on Disney+. So are these the spin-offs you were looking for? If not, what ones would you like to see? Let us know by hitting us up on Twitter @thathashtagshow and myself @starwarsnerd574. Also stay up to date on all Star Wars news by following us at