Coming off the Ghosts season 3 premiere and the loss of Flower I was curious how the series would handle things going forward. Are we going to fully move on like she never existed or will her essence still be around? Well, it’s a little bit of both.
As we know, the ghosts love watching trash TV. So, Jay gets a new TV that is for “Livings Only’ so he can watch his stories in peace. But, of course, this can’t be a smooth transition. So, what’s the next issue? Where does this new Television go? Sam wants it to be a focal point and go above the fireplace, but Jay hates that idea. He feels the TV needs to be at eye level on the back wall. Personally, I agree with Jay.
Thor is still struggling with the loss of Flower. However, this wouldn’t be Ghosts if we didn’t turn his pain into a hilarious joke. We learn that Flower is actually Thor’s 3rd person to get sucked off after/while dating him. What does this mean? Is He’s the Good Luck Chuck of ghosts?
In case you’re unfamiliar with the reference. Good Luck Chuck is a film from 2007 starring comedian Dane Cook and Jessica Alba (L.A.’s Finest). The story revolves around a man named Charlie Logan aka Chuck who, due to a childhood curse, becomes a good luck charm for women. After sleeping with him, the women supposedly find their true love shortly after.
So, of course, this prospect makes Hattie very intrigued. She’s been stuck in the house forever, has learned to be a better person, and has yet to be sucked off. So, maybe Thor is the key!

After learning of the “Good Luck Thor” theory, Hattie decides to start flirting with Thor. This, of course, upsets Trevor whom she is still having a sneaking-around romance. So, he goes to Alberta to vent and tells her about Thor’s sucked-off power. Of course, this means that Alberta is now interested. This leads to a hilarious moment between the three of them before Trevor then confronts Hattie about using Thor.
When the women fight for Thor’s affections, he gets suspicious demanding to know what’s going on. Hattie and Alberta confess to using him and Thor is truly hurt by their actions.
As you know, each of the Ghosts has a special power. Flower could make you high. Thor messes with electricity. Trevor and move objects, etc. However, Sasappis aka Sass has stayed pretty mum…until now!
So, Sass really wants to put a Pizza Oven into Jay’s restaurant, but Jay says no. So, at night we see Sass sneak out of his bedroom, and of course, Pete follows. Pete sees Sass standing over Jay with his hand above his head. We then cut to a dream basketball game where Sass is the referee convincing Jay that what he needs is a Pizza Oven for the restaurant.
The next day, Pete confronts Sass about what he saw. We finally learn Sass’s ghost power is influencing humans while going into their dreams. Pete, of course, can’t keep it to himself and tells Sam. Sam is appalled that someone she trusts would manipulate her husband. However, when she confronts Sass he manipulates her by offering to use his power to help her with the TV issue. So, of course, she accepts.
Pete is incredibly unhappy about the entire situation. So, he tries to get Trevor on his side, but, once again, it backfires. Trevor blackmails Sass into helping him to get a Kathy Ireland poster for the house. Of course, this in when everything goes awry. Pete barges into the room seeing this and interrupts them mid-dream. Now Jay knows he’s been manipulated and is pissed.
So, Jay confronts Sam about the Television manipulations and lies before the ghosts can warn her. Not only does he feel betrayed by his wife, but also by the ghosts.
Hattie and Alberta both apologize to Thor for their actions and for using him for themselves. The two also confess that they are jealous of Flower being sucked off because they both dream of the same. So, to make it up to him they promise to listen to whatever story Thor wants to tell them…even if it’s about cod.
Now, it’s time for Sass to make amends with Jay. So, Sass pops into Jay’s dream again to apologize. The two make up and are back to being friends. Of course, Jay doesn’t want Sass to completely leave his dreams. This is the only way he gets to speak with the ghosts. So, Sass promises to only have fun dreams. So, what about the TV? Well, Jay returned the new TV since it caused too much trouble. So, now they’re all “happily” back to watching TV back together.
At the end, Sam walks in with Halloween decorations that need to go up soon. This reminds the ghosts of the seance they did previously that brought the maid to life for the night! What does this mean? Well, they all get the idea to try and bring Flwoer back for Halloween! So, maybe we’ll get to say goodbye to her after all.
Make sure to watch Season 3 of Ghosts every Thursday at 8:30 pm on CBS, as well as Paramount+!