Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer declared changes Wednesday to her health order, intended to stop the expansion of COVID-19.

These modifications will allow the continuing of areas that involve television and film production, DEADLINE reported.

The order was announced Wednesday. With the effective date being June 12. Areas may continue after they put forward mandated rules.

Typically, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has gone along with Ferrer on continuing sectors amid COVID-19. Garcetti even utilizes county health department stats when talking about the pandemic.

On Friday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom put out directions for continuing television and film production in the Golden State as the pandemic remains a threat. These are statistical reference points which counties in the state must hit before resuming operations.

Los Angeles’ Ferrer on Wednesday brought in a diagram which she stated offered a “clear picture” of the rolling average lasting seven days.

It concerned deaths having to do with the pandemic in the county trending down, both for the area in its entirety and at skilled nursing facilities. The seven-day rolling average of deaths is a pivotal indicator of preparedness to continue more.

After Newsom’s declaration, then local officials were left to make a decision. On Wednesday, Los Angeles County decided to go forward.

Newsom has stated that changes to area-based guidelines would be permitted insofar as there are confirmations regarding counties that there are sufficient arrangements should an increase in cases related to the pandemic occur.

Ferrer suggested that protocols like safe distancing, masks and proper sanitizing will figure into the order put forth today.

This development comes a day after Los Angeles County was put on a California-wide “watch list” regarding worries of an increase in the transmission rate, which county public health officers say is still going.

It’s exciting that we may be closer to new films and television shows, though you wonder about the “watch list” concern.

What do you think about Ferrer’s changes to her public health order, allowing for film and television production? Comment below!