Funko Pop! figures have already taken the world by storm. They’ve reached into every section of pop culture and made a cute little figure out of them. However, those early horror figures are the chunky, cookie-cutter versions of Funko Pops that have gone by the wayside for more dynamic figures. So any of those older ones from Halloween, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Hellraiser, and other horror franchises have likely been updated with a new pose and sculpt. That addition of a little extra personality makes all the difference when it comes to how cool these figures look on your shelf.
Which versions of the best Horror movie characters make it on the list? Do any of the old-style chunky figures make it? Let’s dive in to the Top 5 Best Horror Movie Funko Pops!
5. Carrie – Bloody Carrie

Take one of the most iconic Horror movies ever, and make the most iconic scene from that movie into a Funko Pop. It really doesn’t get that much easier than this. There are two variations of this Pop, one that’s a bit older where she isn’t posed and this one, which is readily available for list price. If you’re making me pick, I’m getting the one that’s posed 10/10 times. The blank expression of Funko Pops actually aids the whole package here, because it reflects the vengeful, stoic, face of Carrie during her most pivotal scene.
4. Hellraiser III: Hellworld – The Chatterer – Walmart Exclusive

Surprisingly we haven’t had a great Hellraiser Pop besides this one. The two Pinhead figures that we have had, are both pretty old and from the “chunky” era. This one, from Hellraiser III: Hellworld, isn’t from the best movie in the series, but it really shows off what Pops can do with Horror characters. The Chatterer is a fan-favorite for a reason, this Pop shows off the hooked mouth and even gives us some of the trademarked chains that the Cenobites love using so much. How they haven’t released a multi-pack with all the Cenobites from the first film is beyond me.
3. The Shining – Frozen Jack Torrance – Chase

The Shining is on top of a lot of people’s favorite Horror movie lists, and this Pop of Jack Torrance shows off his descent into madness and ultimate death in the film. It has all the hallmarks of a great Pop figure. You get an iconic character and scene from the movie, and some personality to a normally impersonal figure. There are common figures of Jack out there, but this Chase figure is worth the extra dough just for the details like the snow, blue skin, and a bloody axe.
2. Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Leatherface

The biggest issue I have with Funko Pops and Horror icons is that they end up making them look too cute. Whenever they add a mouth to Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees, they look incredibly strange. For Leatherface though, the mouth makes the figure that much creepier. There’s a Hot Topic Exclusive variant that has Leatherface with the hammer, but with Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you want the chainsaw.
1. Army Of Darkness – Ash – Hot Topic Exclusive

Now for the best Horror Funko Pop out there. This Ash from Army Of Darkness is an eyebrow raise away from being the best Funko Pop of all-time. Even without that, this one has more than just the figure that you’ll want. The box is even personalized with quotes from Ash on the inside like “This… is my boomstick!” and “Give me some sugar, baby”. Ash has been spoiled with some great Pops over the years though. The newest version that celebrates the 40th Anniversary of The Evil Dead is among the best. Even the older pops from Ash Vs. Evil Dead are great. There is a much older version of this Pop that has the eyebrow raise, but is a chunkier-looking design. But among all of them, this is the best you can get. It has the Necronomicon, the boomstick, his mechanical hand, and even Ash’s cape.
So what’s your favorite Horror Funko Pop out there? Did it make the list?
For more on Horror, make sure to check out Fright-A-Thon, the 61-day Halloween Content Marathon!