Grab your Lonestar and celebrate horror with us as we are now four weeks into Season 4 of The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs on Shudder.

If you are not aware, each week host Joe Bob Briggs alongside his trusty mail girl, Darcy, hosts a double feature on Fridays at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST on Shudder.

While we don’t know what the movies that will be shown are, as they’re revealed when the stream starts; we can make some educated guesses.

Below is a quick score of my predictions to see how I’m doing!

Score Card:

Week 1: 1st movie (Correct); 2nd movie (Incorrect)
Week 2: 1st movie (Correct); 2nd movie (Incorrect)
Week 3: 1st movie (Incorrect); 2nd movie (Incorrect)
Week 4: 1st movie (Correct); 2nd movie (Incorrect)


First Prediction: Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence (1993)

Poster for Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence

With this prediction, I’m zeroing in on three major things.

One is the use of the word “maniac.” Obviously, the title of the movie would tip the hat to that; but Joe Bob doesn’t specify that the maniac is a villain where most would argue Cordell is more of an Anti-Hero in the third film. Secondly, when mentioned that we know who the killer is, well that would make sense for the third movie in a slasher movie trilogy where Cordell is the clear antagonist in all three movies.

Finally, it helps that Joe Bob and Darcy did show the first two movies during a double-feature last year; and the third film is already on the service. The last double feature seemingly went well, so why not revisit the third movie which was maligned when it came out, but has since seen some appreciation. Perhaps even a Robert Davi guest spot could happen too!

Second Prediction: You Might Be The Killer (2018)

Poster for You Might Be The Killer

With my second prediction, I’m thinking we’ll see this 2018 gem.

For one, the killer’s identity is consistently up for debate and question much like how Joe Bob indicates. Secondly, it is a Shudder exclusive. So the rights for it are not in question.

What gives me mild pause is that in my opinion at a certain point I feel like you know who the killer is, even though for most of the movie you don’t. This could just be clever wordplay from Joe Bob, and I still think there’s a good chance this is shown.

Other Possibilities:

It’s possible we’ll see some classic 80’s slashers like The Mutilator or The Burning.

Honestly, with slasher night, it’s hard to be disappointed!

Stay tuned for my review to see if I’m correct!

For more on horror, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

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