No One Will Save You is a film that combines several genres of horror into one package that ends up not doing any of them excellently but still gives some serviceable frights. It comes from Writer/Director Brian Duffield. The relatively small cast features a starring role for Kaitlyn Dever and also has smaller parts for Elizabeth Kaluev, Zack Duhame, Lauren L. Murray, Geraldine Singer, and Dane Rhodes. These other roles are small in comparison to what Dever does as Brynn in the film. The real focus is on her character and the aliens she encounters.
Brynn is an anxious wreck who’s been cast out from her small community for a mistake in her past. Through the course of the film, we find out exactly what she did and how it affects her to this day. One night, Brynn wakes up to the horrifying sound of monsters/aliens in her house. From there, she has to fight multiple aliens that come after her. It combines body horror, alien abduction films, home invasion, and even a bit of emotional drama in No One Will Save You.
While the film doesn’t ever transcend those sub-genres, it does a good enough job with all of them. It never feels like it’s pulled in too many directions. Also, the biggest selling point is that Duffield managed to create a functional movie with barely any dialogue at all. The whole film is carried by the sound design and atmosphere. The aliens sound gross, squelching with each step. Their cries and sounds add to the terror throughout.
Terror To Empathy

Kaitlyn Dever smashes in her performance as Brynn. She has to do all the heavy lifting in the film, which rests on her shoulders. Luckily, she provides some physicality to the performance, in addition to some humor. As for the rest of the film, the other performances do their jobs admirably with the townsfolk looking extra judgy of Brynn and the flashback sequences being heartbreaking as hell.
No One Will Save You starts off terrifying, heads to riveting, and finishes in a strange way. It almost feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone where the curtain on society is pulled back, but it’s like a happy-scary ending. No spoilers here, but it might not work for some people. I felt it capped off the story well enough and left plenty of room for conversation afterward. It doesn’t spell it out for audiences.
The aliens in the film are the “normal” grey alien type from sci-fi. They’re equally terrifying and simultaneously human-feeling. I was almost sympathetic to them at points, especially during some of the more action-heavy scenes. As the film goes on, we see more and more of them, including how they “implant” humans. That’s where the body horror elements of the film come in. It’s also where the more empathetic moments of the film come from. As it goes on, the home invasion elements wash away, and an emotional element takes over.
A Certain Crowd-Pleaser

If No One Will Save You was being shown in theaters, it would certainly be a crowd-pleaser. The movie has some genuine moments of cathartic release as it goes on. It’s a shame because it’s only going to Hulu. No One Will Save You plays out like a bad dream. If you’ve ever had a nightmare where it seemed like a normal dream until something small shows up in the corner of your eye, and then everything flips into terror, that’s what No One Will Save You feels like.
If you’re in for a literal home invasion flick, No One Will Save You offers plenty of terror but leaves you thinking about the film long after it’s over.
No One Will Save You releases on Hulu on September 22nd.
For more on Halloween, make sure to check out Fright-A-Thon, the Halloween content marathon!