What’s better than bringing home a bounty, you might ask? Well, news of a new Star Wars game from one of those bounties might be that.

Some of you may be aware that there’s a thing going on at StarWars.com called “Bring Home the Bounty“. It’s a publishing campaign thing where they reveal a new Star Wars thing each week. However, eagle-eyed fans might spy on Week 10 that they will reveal a new Star Wars game on that week. Either that, or they are going to reveal a new Star Wars-themed video game controller on that week, but the game seems more likely. We are currently on Week 1, so in just 9 more weeks, we get to find out what this mystery Star Wars game will be.
Mystery Star Wars Game: Details?

Unfortunately, there are currently no official details on this mystery Star Wars game. It seems that “Bring Home the Bounty” really wants to keep it under wraps until they actually reveal it on Week 10. What we do have though, are educated guesses. Or at least, decently-informed guesses.
According to Comic Book, there are rumors that there are currently 2 Star Wars games in active development. 1 is the long-awaited sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and the other is a game supposedly based on The Mandalorian. Well, this campaign is the “Bring Home the Bounty” campaign, not the “Bring Home the Jedi” campaign. It’s possible that on Week 10, we will finally get details of this mystery The Mandalorian game after all. But keep in mind, this is all a guess. Take it with as many grains of salt as you wish.

“Bring Home the Bounty” might let us bring home some choice tidbits on a new Star Wars video game. We don’t know any official details, but there are rumors of a The Mandalorian game in the works. This might be it. Interested? Then check back into the campaign 9 weeks from now on StarWars.com to see for yourself.
Source: StarWars.com, Bring Home the Bounty, Comic Book