For most Star Wars fans, everyting centers on the Battle of Yavin. Events are marked by their occurrence either BBY, i.e. before the Battle of Yavin, or ABY, after the… well, you get it. With the introduction of the new, High Republic era of storytelling, however, Lucasfilm has reset the timeline, from a certain point of view. Everything we’ve seen in the franchise now falls into six eras of the Star Wars timeline. Those are: The High Republic; Fall of the Jedi (a/k/a the prequel era); Reign of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, The New Republic, and Rise of the First Order.

This new calendar of eras comes to us in conjunction with the release of the Light of the Jedi. Kicking off the High Republic era, the novel focusses on the height of the Galactic Republic, and the Jedi. But, because the book was prepared for publication before the massive announcement of upcoming projects at Disney’s Investor Day, the new Star Wars timeline is incomplete. We thought we’d put this handy list together so you know where all the new projects will fall within the six eras of Star Wars.
New Star Wars timeline: The High Republic
Obviously all of the new novels and comics flying the High Republic banner will fall into this era. However, Lucasfilm did announce a new series, The Acolyte, that falls in this time-period as well. Leslye Headland’s series is a “mystery-thriller that will take the audience into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark side powers in the final days of the High Republic era.” From there we move into the Fall of the Jedi. For better or worse, this era appears to have already been played out.

Reign of the Empire/Age of Rebellion
We have already dabbled in this era with the feature film Solo: A Star Wars Story. The previously announced Bad Batch animated series for Disney+ lands in this section of the new Star Wars timeline as well. Joining this era will presumably be the new Lando series to piggyback on the younger Calrissian’s popularity from Solo. We’re also going to put Kenobi in this section, as well. Likely at the tail end of the Reign of the Empire era, we expect Kenobi to follow Obi-Wan’s exploits on Tatooine, bridging the gap from this era to the Age of Rebellion.
It’s in the latter era of the Star Wars timeline when we reunite with Cassian Andor. His new series, Andor, will follow the rebel spy and the smart-talking K-2SO as events lead up to Rogue One. We’re also going to put A Droid Story, an animated feature, here, just based on the fact that it features C-3PO and R2-D2. Age of Rebellion ends with the second Death Star’s destruction in Return of the Jedi.
Star Wars timeline: The New Republic
This is the era where we’ll see the most new, live-action content. The Mandalorian kicked this era off in 2019 and has since spawned multiple offshoots. During this period of the Star Wars timeline we’ll see Ahsoka continue her quest for Grand Admiral Thrawn in Ahsoka. Likewise, Cara Dune looks to feature heavily in Rangers of the New Republic. And let’s not forget The Book of Boba Fett and The Mandalorian, Season 3.

Likewise, if the logo for the film is any indication (take a close look at the depicted x-wing fighter), the next feature-length film, Rogue Squadron, will land here as well.
There are a couple of projects left that either fall into the “unknown” category or will span the entirety of the Star Wars timeline. Taika Waititi’s feature film, for instance, falls in the former category. Visions, the first ever anime entry into Star Wars, will cover events from throughout the franchise.
So there you have it folks. We’ll update this list for you as time moves one. Until then, may the Force be with you!