It appears that Sony has lost one of their most brilliant minds in the form of Gavin Moore. Who is he, you might ask? Why, he was the creative director of the 2020 remake of Demon’s Souls for the PS5.
Gavin Moore announced on Twitter that after 24 years of working at Sony, 18 of those in Japan, that he was no longer working for Sony’s Japan Studio as of March 31, 2021. He mentions that he “will miss the great creative spirit and camaraderie of the studio that was a huge part of [his] life”. However, he does mention that this is the “time to seek out new and exciting opportunities”. He doesn’t mention where he’ll go now, but we wish him the best of luck wherever he does end up at.
Gavin Moore: Trouble at Sony?

Gavin Moore makes no mention in his Tweet of why he left Sony. Creative differences, perhaps? Monetary problems? It’s entirely possible that Sony had dismissed/fired him, but we have no evidence of it. Anything I say would be pure speculation at this point barring some announcement from Mr. Moore himself. Just take my words with a grain of salt.
Regardless, assuming that Gavin Moore decides to stay in the video game industry, whichever studio hires him is going to have quite the brilliant mind on their team. The remake of Demon’s Souls earned critical acclaim when it launched on the PS5 on November 12, 2020. It’s a mark of Moore’s talent that it was so successful, really. It’ll be interesting to see what video games Moore comes up with now that he’s free from Sony.
As of March 31, 2021; Gavin Moore has left Japan Studio, and by extension, Sony. It’s been a great time for him, but now it’s time for him to move on from the PlayStation. We wish him luck for his future, and we eagerly wait to see what he comes up with next.
Source: Twitter