Well, it looks like people are getting in the spirit of April Fools Day a bit early. This message about Halo: Infinite being either cancelled or delayed, was circulated around social media sites for quite awhile today. Let’s dig into it.

One, it doesn’t come from 343, it comes from a Facebook page called Halo: Infinite. So there’s your first issue. Second, Chris Lee, the Studio Head for 343 Industries listed here, left the company in October of last year. Which was a blow to the game, no getting around that, but he wouldn’t be making this notice.
Third, the game has been delayed before, but that has been widely reported by 343, Microsoft, and other reputable outlets. So if you’re seeing this go around, happy almost April Fools Day.
Halo: Infinite is still scheduled to release in the second half of 2021 for the Xbox One, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.
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Source: Some BS Facebook Page