Story Synopsis: Semiautomagic

Alice Creed is a professor at Yale University, but her real job is an occult investigator.  Find out what happens when a case gets beyond her control in this week’s Comic Rewind, Semiautomagic: The Bomb that Will Bring Us Together/Childhood’s End Collector’s Edition.

Creed’s friend Karen has a nephew, Mark, who was in a coma at his desk.  Karen saved Creed’s life once so Creed took the case as a favor.  However, this coma became something more than anyone expected.  While Mark was playing a pirated game he got sucked into the game.

While trying to free Mark she encountered killer dummies and unleashed the wrath of a continent size demon on Earth.

Semiautomagic: The Bomb that Will Bring Us Together/Childhood’s End Collector’s Edition was written by Alex de Campi and art by Lara Margarida and Jerry Ordway.  Illicit Press published the volume in 2016.


I Like Semiautomagic‘s Kind Of Magic

This is a comic I’ve had on my wishlist probably since 2016.  I’ve really wanted to read it, but I wanted to read other comics just a little bit more.  However, I did really enjoy this comic.

I like the magic elements of the comic.  Creed seems to have a trick up her sleeve for every situation.  Some comics about magic are about the character learning about their abilities.  However, I much prefer the character to be powerful and fully knowledgeable about magic.

This comic reminds me a lot of Black Magick.  Both have a female magic detective/investigator. Personally I like Black Magick a little more, but this was good.

I Wish Semiautomagic Explained Some Backstory

My biggest complaint is something which seems to happen to me a lot.  A lot of the story has characters who come out of nowhere. It is obvious or at least it seems so that I am supposed to know these characters.  I am also supposed to know past events in Creed’s life.  However, this is the complete story.  There isn’t supposed to be anything else as far as I can tell.  I felt completely lost.


There is a character who is Creed’s friend who is unstuck in time.  During every sunset she moves into a different era.  She has no control of it and tries to use this ability to help people while she can.  That sounds really cool to me, but we don’t know why it happened or how long it has been going on for.  We only see right before it apparently happened.

I did enjoy this comic a lot and my only real problem is I wanted to know more about the lore and characters.  I was thrown in right in the middle of the story and was lost and felt dumb like I was too dumb to understand.



Where To Buy This Comic

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