WWE is reportedly looking to hire a former tag team, Enzo and Cass, to return to NXT.
As reported earlier NXT will begin airing on USA Network on Sept. 18. To make the first episode exciting WWE is reportedly in talks with Enzo and Cass according to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer. The thought is to have the popular tag team return to NXT for a surprise appearance. However, shortly after the Wrestling Observer retracted their statement and say WWE has no interest in hiring the pair back. This could be a misdirect to keep the appearance a surprise, but I doubt it.
The team was fired well over a year ago. Amore was fired because of sexual assault allegations and not reporting them to WWE higher ups right away. Cass was released shortly after for having behavioral problems backstage.

Enzo And Cass Have Not Done Well Outside Of WWE
The pair have tried to make a name for themselves on the indie circuit, but have failed to make even the smallest of impacts. The only news Cass made on the indies was by having a seizure while wrestling. However, Amore made a lot of news outside of WWE. Amore tried to invade Survivor Series in 2018 by being right in the view of the hard-cam so he would be in the background of the PPV. He began to remove his disguise and be disruptive. Poor little Amore was escorted out of the building.
The tag team invaded the ROH/NJPW G1 Supercard, but that was a work-shoot pre-planned invasion. ROH and NJPW found out no one cares about the pair and didn’t use them in any further angles.
Amore Trying To Start Feuds
However, this didn’t stop Amore from trying to insert himself into an angle. Amore cut a promo on the Briscoe Brothers filled with obscenities and a racist comment against Asian people. This shoot promo went nowhere and didn’t start a feud with the Briscoes. However, Amore continued on and tried to start a feud with Toma Tonga after Tonga call Amore a cancer on the wrestling business. The pair went back and forth on social media and Tonga buried Amore pretty badly.
The Pair Are Not At The WWE Level
Enzo is a garbage person and an even worse wrestler. He can talk on the mic and is very quick. I personally think his promos are awful, but he believes them and that is incredibly important in a promo. He is extremely charismatic and it has gotten him very far in WWE.

However, the other side of the coin is Big Cass. He can kinda wrestle, but could not cut a decent promo to save his life. Cass is not interesting or entertaining and zero charisma.
Together the tag team barely survived once their luster quickly wore off on the main roster. They became very popular too fast and it went to their heads and their egos in large part got them fired.
If Done Just Right Enzo And Cass Could Work In NXT
At this point it should be pretty obvious that I am not a fan of Enzo and Cass, but WWE fans liked them in WWE. WWE makes some really weird choices sometimes and this is far from being out of the realm of possibility. They would do well in NXT and could be protected enough for no one to realize they suck.
If WWE really wants to bring them back to make the premier episode of NXT special then I suggest just one appearance. Then they can bring Amore back. However, the key is to just have him be a manager for someone. It is so easy to hate him and would make the perfect heel manager. As time goes by and he gets more practice cutting promos he can be annoying on purpose and in the right way.
However, I don’t think WWE is seriously looking at the pair or if they are it will be a one or two night appearance. The baggage and drama the pair, especially Amore brings is just too much trouble for WWE.