Endgame is certain to change the MCU forever going forward. There are a ton of unknowns. Will all of those turned to dust by the snap return? Who, if anyone, will die trying to bring everyone back? Will Jeremy Renner and Paul Rudd really make a movie called “50 Year Old Virgins”? (That’s a deep cut for those following all the Avengers: Endgame press coverage.)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been here for a decade now and given us of over 21 films. We’ve seen 3 phases of films and Endgame is the grand finale. Marvel also gave us Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the short-lived Peggy Carter, which were loosely tied to the MCU. (No, I didn’t forget about the Inhumans TV series…I just figured if Marvel could pretend it never happened, so could I). We did also get Netflix’s Marvel universe which had no real tie in with the MCU. Those series have now been canceled unfortunately. So, what can we expect next?
What can we expect in MCU Phase 4?
Our first glimpse of the new MCU will be this July with highly anticipated Spider-Man: Far From Home. At this point that is the only movie over which we have any certainty. We do know Marvel has other movies it is developing, like Black Panther 2, Doctor Strange 2, Captain Marvel 2, and with James Gunn returning, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. However, in an effort to not give away spoilers for Endgame, Marvel has pretended like these movies are not actively in development. My guess is they actually are. We also know from casting news that Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and The Eternals are also being developed.

It is safe to assume that with Disney+ we can expect that any live action Marvel shows will be directly tied to the MCU. Disney’s recent announcement about it’s live-streaming service confirmed that we would be seeing our favorite Avengers in the following shows: a Loki series featuring Tom Hiddleston; The Falcon and The Winter Soldier with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, and Wanda/Vision with Elizabeth Olsen in her role of Scarlet Witch and Paul Bettany reprising Vision. It is rumored that Jeremy Renner will also reprise his role as Hawkeye, in a miniseries. That is rumored to follow Clint Barton as her hands the mantle of Hawkeye over to his protégé, Kate Bishop.

I think the bottom line is that Endgame is far from the end. (See what I did there?) And while the MCU might look a little different, I think we have at least another decade of linked movies and end credit stingers to look forward too!