“Hello there,” what do Disney+ and Lucasfilm have up their sleeves now? We have already had reports of a few new series in the works including a possible Princess Leia series. So what could they do to top all that? Well according to an article from Star Wars News Net it looks like we might be getting a series about a popular Jedi that a lot of fans have been asking for.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Coming to Disney+?

That’s right Star Wars fans, we might be finally getting a spin-off about Obi-Wan Kenobi. It might not be in the form of a movie that most fans were asking for, but at least we will be getting a story about the Jedi Master. This series is reported to have as many as six episodes.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Why No Obi-Wan Movie?

Reports also said the Kenobi project was supposed to be a film. But that changed after the disappointing performance at the box office from Solo: A Star Wars Story. Star Wars News Net said…

We were told that the Kenobi film was actually supposed to start production shortly after Solo premiered, and everything changed.”

If you remember back in 2018, director Stephen Daldry was rumored to be working on a possible Obi-Wan movie taking place on Tatooine. But two events, Solo doing so poorly at the box office and the backlash of The Last Jedi, seemed to be the reason that Lucasfilm announced that they were placing all future anthology films on hold.

What Obi-Wan Story will we get?

I myself like that fact that this will be a series instead of an “A Star Wars Story” movie. Most of the Obi-Wan canon Star Wars story has been told. We have followed Obi-Wan through the prequels, The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels and the Original Trilogy. So, will they tell the story of Master Kenobi of his training before he became a Jedi or will we get the story of what he was doing on Tatooine after he killed Darth Maul?

Either way a lot of Star Wars fans will be happy with this news. Who knows; if all these spin-offs coming to Disney+ are successful, this can open the doors for more characters in the future.

Are you excited about all the spin-offs coming to a TV near you? If so, which series are you most excited about? Let us know by hitting us up on Twitter @thathashtagshow and myself @starwarsnerd574. Also stay up to date on all Star Wars news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com.