The upcoming holiday season is going to be a big one for the gaming scene. Halo Infinite is one of many titles that will on gamers’ radars for the holidays because of all the hype this game has been receiving for both Xbox and Microsoft consoles.

Source: (© 343 Industries/© Xbox Game Studios)

The development team is approaching its last legs of development. But In terms of a release as nothing has been announced by either company.

Phil Spencer, Xbox boss weighed in about the game’s release date:

“We know kind of our range in the 3-4 week range,” Spencer said. “We don’t have yet the exact day. There’s some other things with some other game timing that we’re trying to look at. We’ll have better clarity over the summer, but this isn’t a months thing this is just down to a few weeks.

Phil Spencer, Executive vice-president of Gaming at Microsoft

What’s Next For Halo Infinite?

Microsoft made the decision, to delay the game due to the pandemic last year. Xbox boss, Phil Spencer chimed in for the next entry of the franchise. Halo Infinite is still, “very committed” for a holiday release date.

“Instead of picking this date and having to move it by a week, which at this point would feel like a fail — we don’t want to do that let’s wait until we’re really solid on what the date is,” Spencer continued. “But the team is very committed to holiday, we feel good about that.”

Last year both Bungie and Halo veteran, Joseph Staten was hired on to get the game back on schedule. His work is mostly known for multiplayer games and the Destiny franchise player versus player.

The pandemic has no doubly made things very difficult in terms of production. Here’s towards hope towards the commitment for a successful launch for Halo Infinite. Even for those out there who are still on the hunt for an Xbox Series X and S to play Halo on it as well.

Are you ready for the release of Halo Infinite? What is your favorite Halo game? You can tell us your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Source: IGN