As it turns out, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 is a very popular issue of the comic book series. So popular that it even managed to surprise BOOM! Studios themselves by selling out even before its release. You know you have a hit on your hands when all the preorders are all preordered out. It certainly explains why this particular issue is going to get a second printing. Complete with a new main cover art to boot.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111: Second Printing Details

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 second printing cover art by Dan Mora.
Is it jsut me, or does the Red Ranger look a bit…off?

BOOM! Studios is proud(?) to announce that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 has managed to complete sell out all of its copies even before its release date of August 23, 2023. Specifically: at the distributor level. This means that the distribution company that’s in charge of making sure that copies of this issue make it to stores now no longer has any copies to ship. Thus, that issue either becomes highly prized as a rare issue…or they do another printing run to meet demand. The latter of which they are doing in this case.

To commemorate the occasion, Dan Mora (Once & Future) has drawn a special second printing cover art for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111. You can see that cover art above. Melissa Flores (Power Rangers, The Dead Lucky) is still the writer behind this issue, with Simona Di Gianfelice (Firefly) still the artist, Raúl Angulo (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) still the colorist, and Ed Dukeshire (The Woods, Irredeemable) still the letterer.

In any case though, we don’t have long to wait to see these second printing issues. BOOM! Studios reveals that these second printing copies of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111 will hit stores on September 13, 2023. You can purchase these second printing copies at your local comic book shop or the BOOM! Studios webstore.