Netflix snuck us a late-night trailer thru the Morphin Grid and we were surprised, to say the least!

Courtesy of Netflix

We finally have a morphin’ plot!

We finally get a reason why the rangers get back together. Sadly it is under unfortunate circumstances. Oh, and the fact Robo-Rita wants to mess with history so the rangers never exist is kinda a big thing too.

For the first time on screen, we get to see Robo-Rita in all her glory! Speaking of firsts Charlie Kersh has her debut as Trini’s daughter too.

The new Command Center has a very retro feel and the location is gorgeous! Alpha calling the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers together using the BANDORA PROTOCOL?! We finally get a nod to the fact that Rita’s Palace had someone else name on it, 30 years later. There is so much to geek out about in this trailer!

Seeing the team back together and other ranger alum reprising their roles shows the fact that this special is a labor of love to the fans. I for one can’t wait to see this!

It really is exciting for the Ranger Nation to have this opportunity to enjoy this together and we can’t wait to share it with you.

Set your calendar for April 19th when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always premiers on NETFLIX

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