Canary is one of the latest Comixology Originals by acclaimed writer Scott Synder and his creative studio Best Jackett Press. Joining Synder in telling this Horror Western tale is artist Dan Panosian. Canary #1 was released on Comixology on July 19 and is available to buy or read as part of Comixiology Unlimited. I found Canary to be a very enjoyable read and recommend you give it a try as well. Keep reading for my full non-spoiler thoughts on the first issue of this new three-issue series.


The first issue of Canary, to put it simply, is excellent. The issue feels very much like a spaghetti Western at its core with a helping of horror on top. With a gritty lawman who pulls no punches and has his own way of handling justice. Issue #1 introduces readers to that gritty lawman, US Marshall Azrael William Holt who is called on to investigate a strange murder. But as he digs further into the events, he finds there might be more at play than just a simple crime.

The issue does a great job of setting the tone for the series by providing background information and simultaneously setting the greater story in motion. With the condensed format of a comic, it can be difficult to provide adequate background at times for the reader, without bogging down the flow. Thankfully Canary does not have this issue at all. This isn’t too surprising with a writer like Synder behind the reigns. He provides relevant information for the reader that hints a the past while avoiding any expositional drag. The dialogue is also well-written and the overall pacing of the story is superb. I found myself eagerly moving from panel to panel with ease as the story unfolded.

Further contributing to that eagerness, is the amazing artwork from Dan Panosian. There are truly some stunning panels in this issue. The bold use of colors specifically, really helps the eerie tone of the series. One standout example is a scene when Marshal Holt arrives at a farmstead during his investigation. I’ll let you take a look for yourself, but the use of the red sky in the background set against the focus pieces of the panels is truly beautiful.

Photo: Comixolgoy / Best Jacket Press


Canary #1 is written by Scott Snyder, drawn and colored by Dan Panosian, and lettered by Richard Starkings. The entire team behind this series did amazing work. As mentioned before the writing by Synder is top-notch as is the art by Panosian. The lettering from Starkings is always clear and easily readable, making it a breeze to flow from panel to panel as Synder’s story unwinds.


Canary is absolutely a Horror Western. Readers who are not comfortable with violence and a degree of gore, might not enjoy this particular book. Personally, I found the violence to be well in line with what I’d expect for a book in this genre. But recognize that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s strange and slightly off-putting by design. Canary keeps the reader uneasy as they flip the pages wondering what will happen next.

There are two more issues to go in Canary and I’m anxious to see how the story unfolds. The first issue is a wonderful start and well worth the read for fans of Westerns, Horror, or just good comics.

Photo: Comixolgoy / Best Jacket Press


Are you excited about Canary by Scott Snyder? Have you had a chance to read the series yet, and if so what are your thoughts? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!

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