The first Horizon Zero Dawn comic book starring Aloy and Talanah turned out to be pretty successful. So naturally, Titan Comics wants to do a sequel to it, only not with someone else this time around.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 cover A.
Oh hey, it’s our favorite eternally down ex-drunkard. And Aloy too, of course. Cover A art by Peach Momoko.

Titan Comics is proud to announce their new comic book Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation. Authors Ben McCaw and Anne Toole are responsible for the story, while artist Elmer Damaso did the artwork. This series will take place during the events of the original game, and will star Erend in a new adventure with Aloy. This time, Erend is in a spot of trouble. Apparently, he and Aloy are after a killer who has connections with Erend’s past. Considering that Erend helped liberate the Carja Sundom from a mad Sun King in his past, this could potentially be a very dangerous foe.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 preview page 1.
Ooh, more Erend backstory.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 preview page 2.
Even more Erend backstory.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 preview page 3.
And now some Ersa backstory as well.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 will go on sale on July 14, 2021 for $3.99. You can preorder this comic book now from your local comic book store, Forbidden Planet, or ComiXology.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation ~ Doing It for the Art

Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 cover B.
Very artsy game art for cover B here.

It isn’t just sample pages for Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation that Titan Comics has to show us though. They’re also showing off various covers for the comic book. All of them are by just as various artists. Check them out above and below.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 cover C.
The only thing worse than a Sawtooth is a Ravager. Cover C art by Harvey Tolibao.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 cover D.
And the only thing worse than a Ravager are 3 of them at once. Cover D art by Ann Maulina.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1 cover E.
I feel like this is the most true to the game aside from the actual game art. Cover E art by Adrian Wilkins.


Titan Comics is proud to announce Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation #1: a new comic book starring Aloy and Erend. To hype it up, they’ve even released cover art and preview pages. This latest comic book foray into the world of Horizon Zero Dawn will go on sale on July 14, 2021. You can preorder it physically or digitally now.

Source: Titan Comics