The Empire Strikes Back, a Star Wars behind the scenes look!
What Star Wars fan doesn’t want something from the franchise for Christmas? (Or Hanukkah, or your other, holiday gift-giving religion or tradition of choice?) Are you a Boba Fett fan? There are plenty of collectibles to satisfy your fancy. Want a wampa rug? Guess what – there’s even one of those too. But if you crave everything related to the original trilogy, The Empire Strikes Back in particular, then check out the behind-the scenes video above.
In the video exclusive to Good Morning America, fans get a “rare and exclusive” look at some of the magic, and mayhem, that went into producing The Empire Strikes Back. Throughout the video we hear voice-overs from the film’s producers and stars, including Mark Hamill. We are once again reminded of just what an amazing spectacle the original trilogy was. Likewise, we a get another first-hand account of the amazing bond Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford shared.
Star Wars behind the scenes: The Empire Strikes Back

having fun on the set of The Empire Strikes Back.
(Image: Lucasfilm Ltd.)
Now it’s three years later, everybody comes back to work, and everybody’s more enthusiastic than they were the first time. The first time everyone was very confused by the whole thing…. Now they had a better picture of what it was we were making. It was fun to get started again. “
~George Lucas
And fun it as. From Hamill’s “tauntaun dance” to the (allegedly) still drunken frivolity of Cloud City, the pleasure of making The Empire Strikes Back is infectious. Yes, the three main stars had chemistry. It was the connection between Ford and Fisher, however, that truly made Han and Leia’s scenes real for so many. As we see in the video, Carrie Fisher really was the binding force that made the film so great.

In these difficult times of political strife and public health crisis, this sojourn back to better Star Wars times arrives at the perfect moment. Happy 40th anniversary, The Empire Strikes Back, and happy holidays, everyone. May the Force be with you.
Source: GMA