Ever since the announcement that The Craft: Legacy, fans of the original have not tried to hide their disdain. The Craft tells the story of a Sarah. A young transfer student with powers who meets 3 others with witchy potential, Bonnie, Rochelle, and Nancy. The girls bond over their troubled pasts, combined with their fledgling powers equals a recipe for girl power disaster.

The Craft: Legacy tells the story of a girl named Lily (Cailee Spaeny). Who moves to a new town with her Mother in order to move in with her boyfriend and his three sons. After an incident at school, Lily meets Lourdes (Zoey Luna), Tabby (Lovie Simone), and Frankie (Gideon Adlon). Three girls with powers looking for their 4th.

Even though The Craft: Legacy is billed as a sequel it watches more like a reboot. I don’t say that as a bad thing. If you’ve read or watched a multitude of reviews, you’ll see lots of GenXers and Millennials raging about how their movie was ruined. I’m here to say – NO IT WASN’T. Sit down and go watch Practical Magic, this film isn’t for you and that’s okay.

Some Stark Differences Between This And The First Film

I enjoyed that the coven’s powers were different from the original, and in a way more powerful. Each girl was assigned an element and with that came powers that corresponded. They’re not using their powers to make their own lives better, make themselves hotter, or even make someone fall in love with them. These girls are fun, and goofy wanting to use their powers to better their school and the world.

I appreciated that The Craft: Legacy didn’t follow in its predecessors’ boots. It didn’t become a story about women hating women or women fighting women. We’ve been there, done that. It’s time we move on and tell a story of girls lifting each other up instead of tearing each other down. This coven learns its own lessons. They take responsibility for their actions without placing blame on others – something we could all learn to do more of.

The Craft: Legacy Takes A GenZ Look At Witchcraft

The Craft: Legacy takes on the story of magic through the lens of GenZ. The overarching story takes on the patriarchy, bullying, consent, normalizing periods, sexuality and all the stigmas that come along with it, and much more in a very digestible way. However, does this choice mean we lose backstory and learn nothing about these main girls – yes. Does this mean they can’t fix that in a sequel? No. We do get a little bit about Lordes, learning that she’s transgender, but that’s really it. This missing piece to the story made the pacing fantastic, but I wouldn’t have minded an extra 10 mins to help me identify with which girl I was most like – cause I’m legit a Bonnie minus the bitchiness post glow up.

In the end, The Craft: Legacy is worth a watch if you’re willing to go in with an open mind and understand that this film is written for the current generation and how they live their lives. They don’t have to hide their love of witchcraft in the shadows like we did. Celebrate that! If you hate it, the original will always be there for you.

So, what do you think of The Craft: Legacy?