Solo: A Star Wars Story came out at probably the worst time it could have. Fresh off the fan backlash for The Last Jedi, people were fatigued from Star Wars. So naturally, that fatigue, combined with bogus stories from the set about issues with the film, led it to a disappointing box office draw. He spoke with the Lights, Camera, Barstool podcast about the film.
No rumblings, though, and this is not a spoiler or anything, but I think there is interest in those characters. I think there’s interest in the gangster world somewhere down the line. But I can assure you there is nothing being developed right now for a movie or Disney+. But, one great thing is there has been a lot of affection shown for Solo, and so of course that keeps boding well for them to eventually turn it around.
Ron Howard to Lights, Camera, Barstool
Solo might have disappointed at the box office, but streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ have given the film new life. The film was plagued by production problems. But Ron Howard came on and gave us a finished product to be proud of. With all the announcements of new Star Wars properties on Disney+, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some sort of Solo related show.
The film added to the mythology of Star Wars and gave us the backstory for multiple characters that we love.
So, what do you think of Solo? Do you want to see a new film or show from that part of Star Wars?
For more on Star Wars or Solo make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.