Everyone’s favorite family-and-friendship-ruining board game now comes with an extra dose of evil. Disney Villains Monopoly is available now.

Yes, the evils of capitalism collide with the evils of your favorite animated villains in this new board game. In Disney Villains Monopoly you can play as Cruella, Captain Hook, Jafar, Maleficent, Scar, or the Evil Queen. As an added bonus for this version of the game, each character gets a special nefarious power when they pass GO.
Instead of buying up properties, you’ll buy and sell Villain Contracts. Yup, you get to custom-build your own evil army – what more could a villain want?
The game also includes Poison Apple cards, which give special advantages like the ability to steal from other players.

In short, it sounds like this version of Monopoly may lead to even more fights than the original. But it’s all in good (evil) fun, right?
Disney Villains Monopoly is available now from Amazon for $29.99.
More Spooky Disney Fun
Need more Disney games for your Halloween game night? Good news! You can also grab a Hocus Pocus themed board game now.
In this one you’ll get to play on the good side, though. Team up with your friends in Hocus Pocus: The Game to defeat the witches of Salem! You’ll go up against Winifred, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson to stop them from completing their potion before the sun rises.

Binx The Cat will offer players a helping hand, while the Sanderson witches will cast spells against you. Players can invoke their own set of tricks straight out of the film (like Burning Rain of Death and Billy Butcherson) to help stop the witches.
The game includes a cauldron playing board, 50 Ingredient cards, a Witch board, 13 Spell cards, a Sun token, 4 trick tokens, a rulebook, and one black cat Binx meeple.
Fill out your spooky Disney game collection with Hocus Pocus: The Game, also available now.
So, will you fight your friends in Disney Villains Monopoly, or team up with them in Hocus Pocus: The Game?
For more fun and frights, check back to That Hashtag Show for Fright-A-Thon.
Source: ComicBook