The bell cannot be unrung. Darkseid is coming. The first clip of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, known to many as the “Snyder Cut”, has debuted online.

The history of Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a wild one. Zack had directed two previous installments in the DCEU: Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Both films received very polarizing reactions from critics and fans alike. You either loved Zack’s vision of the classic DC characters, or you detested it. The production for Justice League had already begun before Batman v. Superman was released, so Warner Bros. wasn’t prepared for the reactions to that film. Rumors swirled about WB possibly firing Zack as the director, but nothing happened. They moved forward as planned.
Zack wrapped principal photography on Justice League as scheduled, but tragedy struck his life. His 20 year old daughter, Autumn Snyder, had passed away. Zack stepped away from the project to take time with his family. Instead of delaying the film, WB brought in Avengers director, Joss Whedon, to finish the film as scheduled. Whedon rewrote and reshot a majority of the film and what debuted in the theater was obviously not Zack’s original vision. Fans of Snyder petitioned online to see the original cut of the movie for 3 years, eventually getting the film’s actors to join in. In May of this year, Zack officially announced that WB had agreed to finance his original vision of the film. It is set to debut sometime in 2021.
Darkseid Is Coming
The first clip from the film was posted on Aquaman actor Jason Momoa’s Instagram. The clip shows Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman exploring what appears to be some sort of ancient ruins. She uses her torch to illuminate the walls, and she sees some disturbing cave drawings. Staring right back at her is the face of the infamous DC villain, Darkseid. It cuts to show the image of Darkseid that Snyder tweeted weeks back, but this time fully rendered and in motion. The clip then cuts to black. It is accompanied with the original score of the film by JunkieXL and voice over from Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor.
Steppenwolf Is Still The Villain
Even though Darkseid has been heavily teased in all the promotion of the Snyder Cut, the film’s villain will still be Steppenwolf, Darkseid’s nephew. Steppenwolf received a generally negative reaction from critics and audience members. He was written off as another boring CGI alien monster. However, in Snyder’s director’s cut of Batman v. Superman, Steppenwolf had a much more menacing and creepy design. It is heavily rumored that Snyder will be replacing the theatrical films design with his initial look in previous films. Additionally, a majority of the lines and motivation for Steppenwolf was heavily altered in the original cut of Justice League. It is safe to say that we will be getting an almost entirely new villain.
More To Come At DC Fandome
Zack Snyder elaborated on the clip this morning with a Tweet of his own. He said that more of this is to come at the recently announced, “DC Fandome” online event. While I’m personally excited for all of the films at the event, it is Snyder’s cut of Justice League that is most intriguing to me. I loved his take on Superman and I appreciate BVS more with every rewatch. I can’t wait to see more his original vision.

Are you excited for Zack Snyder’s Justice League? What did you think of this initial clip?
Let us know in the comments below! Stay tuned here at That Hashtag Show for all your DCEU news!
Source: Jason Momoa’s Instagram