In a surprising move, Sony appears to have accidentally leaked the new date for their PS5 event.

On June 8, 2020; Twitch ads began circulating around that may have accidentally revealed the new date of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s PS5 event. The Twitch ad claims that the event date is now set for June 11. The ad is being circulated in multiple languages, so it seems to be legit. However, Sony has not made any official announcements about the PS5 event yet. This seems to suggest a mix-up on someone’s part here, but we don’t know if it’s on Sony’s part, Twitch’s part, or on someone else’s part altogether.

The contents of this Twitch ad are surprising given Sony’s reasons for delaying the PS5 event in the first place. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, there have been protests, demonstrations, and riots all over the US and elsewhere due to the killing of George Floyd by police officers on May 25, 2020. In a not-so-surprising show of solidarity, Sony announced on June 2, 2020 that their event showcasing their brand new PS5 console will be delayed. Originally scheduled for June 4, Sony Tweeted that the event will be postposed indefinitely to “allow more important voices to be heard”. This only makes the Twitch ads more than a bit bizarre.

Unless Sony can see into the future and tell when the protests are going to end, this is a weird contradiction they’re giving us. If the protests are still ongoing, why would Sony suddenly change its mind about the event’s delay? I can only assume that either something weird is happening with Sony, or someone screwed up big-time. Again, Sony has not released any official news about this, so I assume/hope that it’s the latter.
Policy reversal for Sony, or major screw-up? Either way, we’ll find out for certain later. Tune in later for more PS5 news.