Story Synopsis: Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Vol. 1: Anchor Points

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Vol. 1: Anchor Points has the other Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, branching out on her own in Los Angeles.  Bishop opens up a private investigation agency, but cases get extraordinary before she knows it in this week’s Comic Rewind.

Moving to Los Angeles, California, was a necessity for Bishop.  She had to separate herself from Clint Barton Hawkeye, but more importantly to find her father.  Becoming a private investigator seemed like a no-brainer for her. Bishop’s mentor of sorts from her Young Avengers days, Jessica Jones, was is P.I.  

However, a little problem arises when she found out apparently it costs $225 for a P.I. license.   Bishop didn’t need a license before to help people and doesn’t need one now.

The cases started out normal with a missing person and identify a stalker case, but then inhumans or perhaps mutants got involved.  The level of difficulty goes up a notch, but Bishop is a Hawkeye and she can handle anything.

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Vol. 1: Anchor Points was written by Kelly Thompson with art by Leonardo Romero.  Marvel Comics published the volume in 2017.

Kate Bishop Hawkeye

Kate Bishop Is My Favorite Hawkeye

I’ve always really liked Kate Bishop Hawkeye.  She has always been a really interesting character from the first moment I’ve seen her in Young Avengers.  Bishop is the most famous character to come out of Young Avengers.

She is a really well done multi-layered character.  Bishop is a really competent hero and is actually a better archer than Barton.  However, she is a vulnerable person and even though she has worked with the Avengers many times.  Everything she has seen and been a part of has not changed the fact she is in her early 20s. She is always assessing whether a guy is cute or not and keeps taking pictures of guy’s abs.

I really enjoyed the story of the volume.  It had a lot of down to earth problems like stalking, but also had more extraordinary problems like an inhuman.  The balance was done very well. I have always like the ground level hero nature of Clint Barton Hawkeye and I’m glad Thompson stuck with that for Bishop.

Kate Bishop Is Very Relatable

A lot of the problems in the volume were very human and relatable.  It make it easy to care about the characters and relate to them. I thought Bishop’s relationships with the other characters were very relatable.  She has these people she doesn’t know coming into her home and acknowledges it is weird, but is confident she could handle them if she needed to.

In the later half of the volume Jessica Jones comes to town and it is very obvious the admiration Bishop has for her.  Bishop was at her side the entire time and was trying to soak up as much knowledge as she could. It was really cool for Bishop to work side-by-side with her mentor.  I was really excited for Bishop to get that chance.

Kate Bishop Hawkeye

Story Was A Little Too Rushed

The only problem I had with the volume was a lot of the story felt a little rushed.  However, I don’t feel it hurt the story or like I was missing out on a lot. I just wanted a little more background on the characters.  

The main bit I wanted was what happened with Bishop’s dad.  It was alluded that he is missing, but I don’t know why or how or how she knows he’s in Los Angeles.  I would like to have seen a little more on his storyline.

I enjoyed this entire volume, but where it really excels is in making Bishop relatable and having me wanting her to succeed.  At the end of the volume I was really proud of her. I was proud of a comic book character. It is weird to say, but it is true and it is because of Thompson’s writing.



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