The creativity of fans boggles the imagination. We love our television shows and movies, but then fans come along and create side pieces and altered scenes that just make jaws drop. On YouTube we now have the Night King rocking a classic 80s song to Arya. Check this out:

Ice Man Rock

I love hearing songs from the 80s pop in movies. Two solid, recent examples are Ready Player One and Bumblebee. YouTube creators, The Merkins, have created another parody using a classic 80s hit.

The original song comes from 1987. I Died In Your Arms Tonight by Cutting Crew rocketed up the charts and became an instant 80s classic. This new version works in parts of the original video with scenes from the Winterfell episode where Arya kills the Night King.

Of course in the Merkins version we have the Night King leading the band and singing to Arya about dying in her arms. The lyrics are masterfully reworked to fit both the story from GoT as well as the original tune.

The Night King Rocking Out Takes A Whole Lot Of Work

Altering swords to be lightsabers is one thing, but to execute a project like this takes real talent and patience. First you have to rework the lyrics which they did very well. They not only keep the tone of the song, but the voice of the singer mimics the lead singer of Cutting Crew almost identically.

On top of finagling the music side of things, the make up of the lead Night King singer is spot on. Matching make up of a face like the Night King means you have to know your way around a prosthetics chair.

Songs like this used to be a bigger deal back in the 80s. You had singers like Weird Al Yankovic leading the parody charge with copies of hits from other stars. I will never understand how people can successfully twist songs like these into such great parodies.

Game of Thrones With Lightsabers