(Photo credit: Maffewgregg on Twitter)

According to this article over at WrestleTalk, WWE has started to put some limitations on NXT UK talents and where they can work:

“Previously NXT UK talent were unable to wrestle for promotions with a significant online presence or with distribution deals (such as Defiant and RevPro) but were still permitted to wrestle on local-level indy events, as well as for WWE’s partner promotions PROGRESS, ICW and wXw (in Germany).”

The article goes on to state that talents signed to NXT UK can no longer work matches again other wrestlers who have contracts with other companies. Such as ROH, IMPACT Wrestling, NJPW, World of Sport, and others.

It will be interesting going forward to see if more promotions pull their contracted wrestlers from promotions that are known for doing business with WWE/NXT.

However, this could be a good thing for lesser known up and coming wrestlers. If promotions are forced to not book matches between WWE/NXT signed wrestlers and other companies, it’s on the promotions to build new stars. Who knows, this could mean more talent from the United States, Canada, and Mexico could be making their way to Europe more often in the near future.

And with the rumors of All Elite Wrestling on the horizon, things could begin to feel more like the days of the territories starting in the new year.