Lord! Things are getting messy on Season 6 of Love is Blind. Last week, I thought Brittany and Kenneth’s breakup was a doozy. I thought Laura and Jeramey’s confrontation couldn’t get worse. I thought maybe Chelsea would grow up a little. Wow…was I so wrong. While we are wedding dress and tuxedo shopping this episode there is plenty of drama to be had.
Laura is understandably pissed about Jeramey spending the evening “talking” with Sarah Ann. So, in order to garner sympathy and possibly get someone on his side he goes to see his mother. In this scene, Jeramey is still unapologetic and has a very rehearsed tail. However, his mother does NOT disappoint.
She tells him that if it was her she would’ve been waiting up for him to get home and things would’ve turned out worse. All Jeramey can muster to say is he understands how bad it looks, but doesn’t understand why Laura won’t speak to him. He didn’t think he could potentially lose his fiance over his actions. I’m honestly shocked at how dumb he is and his lack of accountability is flabbergasting. You know you messed up if your mama doesn’t even side with you.

Johnny and Amy are the most stable couple on season 6 of Love is Blind. Truly. Their biggest issue is about birth control and Amy not wanting to be on it. They continue to discuss it. They meet Amy’s father who gives them his blessing. Things are really coming up for them. Seriously. That’s all there is to say.
In these Love is Blind episodes, we get to see Clay meet A.D.’s mother who is the MVP of the season. Clay continues down the road of not believing he can ever be a good man because his father wasn’t. Clay’s father was constantly cheating, sometimes even taking a young Clay along on his rendezvous. Then, after 24 years his parents got divorced. A.D.’s mother listens to him and then gives him advice I truly hope he takes to heart. Clay needs to stop looking at the negatives of his parent’s relationship. They were married for 24 years and had great moments together. He needs to focus on the positives so he can move forward.

Whooo. Chelsea and Jimmy take the cake for Love is Blind Season 6’s messiest couple. At first, we see the two of them happy and in love meeting Jimmy’s family. The meeting goes well and they share how they’ve already dealt with ups and downs making it through the other side. However, this happiness is very short-lived. Once home, Chelsea picks a drunken fight with Jimmy about him going out the night before. He had birthday plans with a friend. Chelsea didn’t want to go so he went without her. Chelsea flips out saying he never invited her and that he’s uncomfortable with his female friendships. Then, goes on to blast on national tv it’s because Jimmy and his friend have slept together previously.
Jimmy is livid. He said that to Chelsea in confidence and she had promised not to bring it up. Chelsea starts screaming about how she doesn’t care and the fact that they’re still close friends means Jimmy doesn’t actually love her. She also accuses him of meeting up with Jess from the pods. She lies saying that one of her friends saw them. Which he denies and I believe, and accuses Chelsea of fishing. Which is 100% what’s happening. Jimmy is obviously fed up with Chelsea at this moment and seems very done, but somehow they magically throw a bandaid on it and makeup.

In true Love is Blind fashion, the cast gets together for a BBQ gathering. Invited are previous pod members Jessica and Trevor. As we know, Chelsea and Jimmy are on thin ice. So, it was interesting to see how this partly plays out. This is the first time either of them is meeting the people they turned down in the pods.
Chelsea confesses to the girls that Trevor is 1000% her normal type. I was hoping for more drama with the Jimmy/Jess/Chelsea/Trevor square, but so far it’s all very kosher. Jimmy and Jess walk off to talk. Jimmy apologizes to Jessica for leading her on and she accepts his apology. You can tell that Jess still has feelings for him, but she’s respectful of his and Chelsea’s relationship.

Laura is there dressing for revenge saying all the things Jeramey is trying to do to apologize and she is not accepting. Jeramey shares with a couple of the guys that he has zero regrets for his actions. Hilariously they all stay silent, walk away, and say they want nothing to do with that mess.
Sarah Ann also arrives at the cookout ready to defend herself because she also doesn’t believe she’s done anything wrong. While there’s never a full-on catfight. A.D. does speak with Sarah Ann letting her know her feelings on the subject. She and Jeramey head off to talk while she cries about having to defend herself to the women. Jaramey admits he made a mistake picking Laura and the two go on the most disrespectful Jet Ski ride of all time.
Chelsea and Jimmy leave the party to go have an adorable date at a theme park and carve ice sculptures. In the end, Jimmy asks Chelsea how she’s feeling about saying “I do” at the alter and the episode ends.
Love is Blind season 6 finale will air on Netflix on March 6, 2024, followed by the recently announced reunion on March 13th!