When Farscape first premiered on March 19, 1999 on Sci-Fi Channel’s SciFi Friday, it was a hit. A veritable hit, you might say. The sci-fi space opera series earned numerous awards throughout its lifetime, including no less than three Saturn Awards for Best Syndicated/Cable TV Series and one Best TV Actor (Browder). It even breached the boundaries of its own series to receive a homage to it in Stargate SG-1: another award-winning sci-fi series. That’s how good it is.

Its fame was such that it became a cult classic that persists to this very day. Thus, you can fully understand why everyone would be so excited that BOOM! Studios is doing a Farscape comic book special. All for its 25th anniversary to boot.

Farscape 25th Anniversary Celebration BOOM! Direct Reserve Campaign: Details

BOOM! Studios is proud to announce their Farscape 25th Anniversary Celebration BOOM! Direct Reserve Campaign. As you can tell by the title, this will be a comic book special celebrating the 25th anniversary of this amazing sci-fi series’ airing. Not only that, but this comic book special will be released alongside a two volume book set collection collecting all of the Farscape comic books BOOM! Studios has produced so far. Both volumes will be available in both softcover and hardcover editions, and will feature cover art by Justine Florentino (Magic: The Gathering, Firefly). In fact, the special itself will feature campaign exclusive cover art by Nimit Malavia (Fables, Firefly, The Dark Tower).

A treat for any fans of good sci-fi space operas.

So where can you get any of these, you might ask? Well, BOOM! Studios is doing this entire Farscape 25th Anniversary Celebration BOOM! Direct Reserve Campaign on Kickstarter. As of this writing, the campaign is well over its initial pledge of $25,000. In fact, also as of this writing, said campaign is up to $151,360 over 815 backers, with 22 days left to go on the campaign before it ends on March 21, 2024 to boot. Thus, you have plenty of time to join in on the campaign for yourself, and get some exclusive Farscape comic books for yourself.

Tune back in to THS to find out more news about Farscape when we do.