Mighty Morphin Power Rangers birthed an entire franchise when it first made its premiere back in August 28, 1993 on Fox Kids. A franchise so successful that BOOM! Studios acquired the exclusive rights to publish Power Rangers comics back in 2015. Thus, you can explain why that very first Power Rangers entry in the franchise still holds a lot of nostalgia for many adults. And also thus, you can understand why BOOM! Studios is continuing the story of those first Rangers in the form of the very appropriately titled Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return ~ Details

BOOM! Studios and Hasbro are proud to announce the first issue of their upcoming new comic book: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return. All as part of the 30th anniversary of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to boot. This comic features Amy Jo Johnson (the original Pink Ranger) and Matt Hotson as the writers, with Nico Leon (Ms. Marvel) as the artist. As for what it’s all about? Well, Boom! Studios does have an official synopsis of this comic book. You can read that below:
In an alternate universe, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers defeated Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, but at a terrible cost…and in the wake of that tragedy, the team went their separate ways.
Twenty-two years later, the long-disbanded team reunites to mourn the losses of beloved friends, but Zack and Billy have some unexpected information to share: Jason–the Red Ranger, who has long been operating as a lone vigilante–has disappeared.
Will the remaining Rangers be able to track him down, especially with a mysterious figure in pursuit?
Alas, BOOM! Studios haven’t given us a release date for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1. It’s mostly because its Kickstarter campaign hasn’t finished yet. Fortunately, this also means that you can still contribute to said campaign and get some nice bonuses.
Bonus: Preview Pages
That’s not all, folks! BOOM! Studios also have a bunch of preview pages for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1 to build up the hype. You can see the first one above, and then check out the rest of them below: