Unicorn Wars asks you an interesting question: do you want to watch adorable cuddly bears fight in a religiously motivated genocidal war against unicorns in a magical forest? Do you? Well, if you do, then sit up and pay attention! Because GKIDS will bring this bizarre horror-comedy animated film to NA theaters pretty soon. Heck, they even have an official trailer for it now. You can check it out below…if you dare.

Care Bears: Apocalypse Now Adorable?!

It’s like if Care Bears was a Vietnam War film…with unicorns.

GKIDS is proud to announce that they’re bringing Unicorn Wars to NA theaters. What is this, you might ask? Well, it’s an upcoming Spanish horror-comedy animated film from the acclaimed Spanish (Galician) director Alberto Vásquez. For those of you who find that name familiar: he previously directly such horrific delights as Birdboy: The Forgotten Children.

That trailer gave me such strong Hollow Knight vibes.

But back to Unicorn Wars: that aforementioned trailer really showed up how adorably disturbing it was. It starts us off with thematically dissonant scenes of adorable teddy bears shooting arrows at unicorn-shaped targets and crawling through mud at a boot camp. It quickly turns into a patrol in the unicorns‘ magical forest though, where things go completely and utterly FUBAR very quickly. Ambushes in a psychedelic, unreal jungle will do that to you. As you might be able to tell: while it is a military fiction story, it’s also an antiwar story to boot.

Interested? Then you won’t have long to wait. GKIDS is bringing Unicorn Wars to NA theaters on March 10, 2023. The film will also be available on demand as well, in case you can’t make it to theaters. For more information, you can tune in to the film’s official website.

Unicorn Wars: Synopsis

"Unicorn Wars" key art.
I love the juxtaposition of cute and horror here.

Want some more info about Unicorn Wars? Well, GKIDS also has an official synopsis for the film. You can check it out below:

It’s Bambi meets Apocalypse Now in this provocative and strangely beautiful horror comedy from acclaimed filmmaker and illustrator Alberto Vazquez (Birdboy: The Forgotten Children), who uses its outrageous candy-colored premise to explore religious zealotry, the tortured legacies of military fascism, and the depths of the soul.

For ages, teddy bears have been locked in an ancestral war against their sworn enemy, the unicorns, with the promise that victory will complete the prophecy and usher in a new era. Aggressive, confident teddy bear Bluet and his sensitive, withdrawn brother Tubby could not be more different. As the rigors and humiliation of teddy bear bootcamp turn to the psychedelic horrors of a combat tour in the Magic Forest, their complicated history and increasingly strained relationship will come to determine the fate of the entire war.

Again, Unicorn Wars hits theaters March 10.

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