Announced by Variety earlier today, Critical Role and SiriusXM are teaming up. SiriusXM now has exclusive ad sale and distribution rights for the main show’s podcast version.

Now, VP and Global Head of Revenue Partnerships at SiriusXM, Kelli Hurley, did say that:

Critical Role fills an incredibly unique void in the podcast landscape and brands will be excited to align with this highly sought-after, dynamic content.

Now, this is an interesting deal, because the podcast version of the main show has always been available on all podcasting platforms. But this could also lead to some interesting original projects getting potentially made.

Meanwhile, CR’s VP of Business Development, Ben Van Der Fluit, did say that:

All stories start with people talking to each other, so it is natural that audio has become an increasingly important platform for us. We believe audio storytelling is an exciting medium for expanding what Critical Role brings to Critters. This deal allows us to nurture and grow our audience with a terrific strategic partner in SiriusXM, while also exploring future shows and formats as a fully independent company.

Now, this deal doesn’t say if some of the other podcasts will be included. But for the cast to get a deal like this with SiriusXM is a pretty big deal.

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