Zack Snyder might have pitched and been turned down for a Star Wars film, but that’s not stopping him from making it. Instead of Star Wars, he’s going forward with his film Rebel Moon. Earlier today, we had details about some new members of the cast including Charlie Hunnam, Djimon Hounsou, Ray Fisher, Jena Malone, and more. While storyline details are sparse, THS has acquired some casting details regarding an alien species in the film.

The film follows a young woman (Sofia Boutella) with a mysterious past sent to seek out warriors from neighboring planets to help save her peaceful community from a tyrannical army.

Enter The Xanadite Race

Xanadite [Male and Female] – Tall, shredded, muscular more cut than bulked up, has poise and elegance, an alien our lead characters encounter.

This casting calls for someone from 20s-40s, 6+ feet tall, open ethnicity, and gender.

The Xanadite race seems like one that our young woman character has to go to on her journey to find help.

Courtesans Our Heroes Encounter

Three Courtesans [Female] – Beautiful.  Alien hostesses whom our lead characters encounter…

This casting calls for women between 20s and 30s, open ethnicity.

Gladiators, Male and Female

The film also calls for a wide array of gladiator characters, from the looks of the concept art that Snyder tweeted below, that could be an arena of some sort.

Gladiators [Male and Female] – Incredibly and impressively muscular.  Bodybuilder/cross-fit body type.

The Heroes Visit A Noodle Shop?

[Noodle Shop Owner] – Grumpily runs the noodle shop where some of our heroes meet. It specifies that it’s on the planet Daggus, so that’s the name of one of the planets our heroes visit.

This casting calls for a male from 40s-50s, open ethnicity.

While these might not be descriptions of major characters, they help build out the world of Rebel Moon. Zack Snyder tweeted out the casting news alongside concept art for the upcoming film.

So far, there’s no release date for Rebel Moon but it starts filming this Spring 2022.

For more on movie news, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

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