Just like the 2019 Outlander panel about the star & time-crossed lovers, CrAzEd fans showed up in full force! Lining up before the convention floor even opened. Once the hall doors open it was a mad dash like the first day of pumpkin spice season!

Outlander Season 6 Teaser Trailer

A Panel Worth the Wait – Outlander

The drought is over, well not at least we have been satiated till early 2022. Stage Author, Diana Gabaldon was Joined by Executive Producer Maril Davies. Let’s us not dreamy Jamie Mackenzie played by Sam Haughn. Joining virtually were Caitriona Balfe, Lauren Lyle, César Domboy, and John Bell.

YES people were frantically running just to get a glimpse!
The Mad Dash to get a seat just to see Jamie!

Where is the story going?

Season 6 is inspired by Gabaldon’s book A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Instead of a full 13 episode season because of covid, the story has been condensed into 8 episodes. Fear, not Season 7 is already in preproduction. Getting back to the current story, we are going to be introduced to The Christies a new family on the ridge that is going to cause discord to the peace on the ridge.

So having such a short span to pack this story in the actors said that with the current situation of them being in a bubble because of covid. Their own personal struggles off-screen exudes into their characters. The wonderful thing about this show is that yes, it may have focused on Jamie and Claire early on but now that their own family is growing and so is the story of Mackenzie’s Ridge. Fergus and Marsali will have their own adult problems to deal with. Little Ian, though not little, will seem to have worked thru his past trauma. Claire even shows signs of PTSD from her debacle in the last season. This season though short seems to be heavily character-driven.

Also during the panel, the cast shared funny anecdotes from the set. From Caitriona being pregnant with her son so the cameramen and costumes had to hide a real baby bump, too finding odd places to catch a nap between takes like surgery or in the middle of a field the cast shared with us a few laughs. Also adding to those laughs they talked about how the cat is a wonderful costar as opposed to Rolo.

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if you want to check out my coverage of 2021’s panel you can check it out HERE. Let us know in the comments below and make sure to follow along with ThatHashtagshow.com for Everything trending in geek pop culture! Also, make sure to follow me at OFF THE CUFF GAMING on Facebook and YouTube.