AMC+ has just released the official trailer for their new immersive drama series The North Water. The show is based upon the critically-acclaimed and best-selling novel of the same name by Ian McGuire. It is adapted for the screen and directed by award-winning director Andrew Haigh (“45 Years” & HBO’s “Looking”). The series stars the likes of Colin Farrell, Stephen Graham and rising star Jack O’Connell. The North Water’s premise is as follows:

Set in Hull, England, and on the ice floes of the Arctic in the late 1850s, the series follows the story of Patrick Sumner (O’Connell), a disgraced ex-army surgeon who signs up as the ship’s doctor on a whaling expedition to the Arctic. But the ferocity of the elements is matched by the violence of his crew mates, particularly Henry Drax (Farrell), a harpooner and distinctly brutal force of nature. As the true purpose of the expedition becomes clear, confrontation between the two men erupts, taking them on a journey far from solid ground and way beyond the safe moorings of civilization. 

According to the press notes, The North Water’s location work took place primarily in the Arctic. Shooting on the frozen seas north of the Svalbard Archipelago. The cast and production team sailed as far as 81 degrees north (!!!) to film sequences in the pack ice… the furthest point north it is believed a drama series has ever filmed before. 


Official Trailer for The North Water

It is so wonderful for a trailer to come out of no where and knock your socks off! I hadn’t heard about this show whatsoever, which is surprising due to the major talent involved. But, this looks like a sweeping epic, with gorgeous cinematography and a gripping period plot. Luckily we will not have to wait long at all, to see what the incredible Andrew Haigh and his cast have come up with for this series.

The North Water premieres on AMC+ Thursday July, 15th with new episodes dropping every Thursday after that.

What do you think of The North Water? Is this type of epic, period drama your thing?

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Source: AMC