WARNING: Contains minor spoilers for Firefly: Brand New ‘Verse #1. Read on at your own risk. The more things change, the more things stay the same. That much is clear as Serenity makes its way through the ‘verse in a brand new comic series from Boom! Studios! She’s still falling part but always manages to keep it together…  This time it flies two decades following the events of the short-lived but very much beloved television series. As much as it’s business as usual for the ship itself, a lot has changed since Malcolm Reynolds & co. blasted the truth of the Reavers’ origins out to the ‘Verse.

Firefly; Serenity
Image: Boom! Studios

Here’s the official synopsis for the brand new tales Serenity and those that fly her:

“Set 20 years after the events of Firefly, Serenity soars the ‘Verse once again with a new captain – Emma, the daughter of Wash and Zoë! The old crew of Serenity has gone their own way and now Emma is working to prove herself to Zoë, alongside a new crew of castaways and misfits just trying to stay afloat. But when Serenity takes a job from a familiar face, they discover that their new, living, breathing cargo is far more than they bargained for…and might bring them into conflict with Alliance once again!”

Serenity takes on a brand new ‘Verse in latest Firefly comic

Firefly; Serenity
Image: Boom! Studios

Malcolm Reynolds may not be captain anymore, but that doesn’t mean Serenity isn’t finding herself in the same old messes. As the new series opens, Zoë is still captain but grooming her daughter to eventually call the ship her own. The tension between the two is palpable as the younger Washburne yearns to prove herself to her ‘Verse-weary mother. The way things go in Firefly: Brand New ‘Verse #1, well, let’s just say that transition isn’t likely to be a smooth one. Emma has her father’s wit, her mother’s tenacity, and even a touch of Mal’s misbehavin’.

The new comic series comes to us from Josh Lee Gordon (Firefly: Bad Company) and Fabiana Mascolo (Yasmeen). Featuring a brand new and diverse cast of characters, the ‘Verse is the limit for the new crew of Serenity. Issue # 1 is available now.