In less than two weeks now, The CW will launch the third iteration of TV Superman. Superman and Lois will tell a story no other Superman show has covered when it covers Papa Superman. Superman, played by Tyler Hoechlin, is now a father with wife Lois Lane, but while comics gave Kal and Lois a son named Jonathan, the show will give them TWINS! What family can be complete without a grandpappy. That’s right, Jor-El will show up starting in episode 2, played by none other than Angus Macfadyen.

Jor-El not only fathered Superman, but he saw the destruction of Krypton coming when few did. His preparations led to the ejection of his son Kal into deep space when the planet finally self-destructed. Once on Earth, Jor-El’s spirit guided Kal as he discovered his powers. In the 80s Christopher Reeve movies he remained confined to the Fortress of Solitude. In the later Henry Cavill movies he existed only on the ships. Either way he proved a pivotal role in helping Kal understand his Kryptonian heritage and his role on Earth. Given what lies ahead for Kal and his two kids, Grandpa’s advice may be sorely needed.

Angus Macfadyen Joins Superman – Who Will We Get?

The mighty Komodo from Warriors of Virture

Jor-El has been played by some of the biggest names in Hollywood. In the 80s acting legend Marlon Brando brought Jor-El to life, and in the 2013 Man of Steel, Russell Crowe brought such a powerful presence to the role, rumors circulated he might get his own spin off. Sadly, it never happened.

Angus Macfadyen brings his own powerful resume to the table. While maybe not as large as Brando or Crowe, he starred in Mel Gibson’s critically acclaimed Braveheart as Robert the Bruce. He also starred in the Saw horror franchise and recently, Robert the Bruce. Who can forget his greatest role it the greatest movie ever made – Warriors of Virtue! Angus’ role as Komodo was so over the top, it earned recognition and gave Alan Rickman a run for his money in the overacting department.

I can’t wait to see how Macfadyen plays the father of Superman. Given the more serious, family aspect of Superman and Lois, he should fit right in and be able to give a strong performance in what I hope will be a reoccurring role.

If you’d like a preview of what Superman and Lois will look like before it releases on Feb 23, go HERE. Angus Macfadyen will show up in the second episode.