[WARNING: Article contains MAJOR spoilers for The Mandalorian, Chapter 14. Read on at your own risk.] Okay fans, get out your Mandalorian Season 2 checklists. Surpass Season 1 in Star Wars quality and content? Check. Introduce Ahsoka Tano into live-action? Check. End a decades long debate about whether or not Jango Fett was a Mandalorian? (I bet you didn’t have that one on your list, did you?) Well, Chapter 14, “The Tragedy” did that and so much more. Before we get to Jango, though….

Chapter 14 sees Din Djarin following Ahsoka’s advice and taking the Child to Tython, where he can reach out to other Jedi. Just as Grogu connects with the Force, however, we see a very familiar ship streaking through the sky. And honestly, if you didn’t get chills seeing Slave-I back in action, check your pulse. Yes, Boba Fett, seen at the end of Chapter 9, has definitively returned. As my colleague noted, this one episode gives Fett a depth of character never seen before in the franchise. In doing so, it also ends the Star Wars debate over whether Jango Fett is or is not Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian ends Star Wars debate over Jango Fett’s origins

Boba arrives on Tython seeking only the return of his armor. With him is none other than Fennec Shand, who we told you would return exclusively back in April (see below). They strike a bargain with Mando – Give Boba Fett back the armor Cobb Vanth had appropriated and they will help keep Grogu safe. Of course, Moff Gideon had other ideas. Boba, Fennec and Mando fight an epic battle against Gideon’s Stormtroopers only to see the Dark Troopers jet in and abscond with the child. As if that wasn’t emotional enough….
It’s the chapter’s ending that delivers yet another poignant moment, and the one that ends the Star Wars debate over Jango Fett. Boba shows his true honor, not only by swearing to join Mando and finish the task of protecting the Child. He also proves to Din Djarin that he’s worthy of wearing that Mandalorian armor he’d had for so long. Fett shows Djarin his chain code, which proves that Jango Fett was a foundling, taken in by the Mandalorians.
Just. Like. Din. Djarin.

Thus, we now know for certain that Jango Fett is every bit a Mandalorian as the Mandalorian himself. The revelation also ends another Star Wars debate, as well. Boba Fett’s armor did indeed belong to his father. (We’ll leave the question of whether Boba, by birthright (clone-right?), is also a Mandalorian for another day.)
For now, and likely for the rest of the season, we get to see the Mandalorian team up with Boba Fett. Hold on to your seats.