In the pantheon of reunions that I would say “that’s never happening”, this one is pretty high up there. Christopher Eccleston was the first (9th) Doctor of the new reboot series in 2005. His run as the Doctor on Doctor Who cemented the idea that a reboot was not only possible, but great. When he left after just one season as the Doctor, people were bewildered and confused. His season was a rousing success, why leave so soon? Big Finish and the BBC are teaming up for a series of audio adventures with the Ninth Doctor.

What Do We Know About Christopher Eccleston’s Return To Doctor Who?

Outside of the fact that he’s returning to the role, there’s no other details. It would be smart to assume that Billie Piper would also be returning for her role as Rose Tyler, seeing as how she was the only companion for the 9th Doctor.

The series will run over the course of four box-sets, with the first one releasing in May 2021. After that it’ll be August 2021, November 2021, and February 2022 for the next three.

The Chairman for Big Finish, Jason Haigh-Ellery, had this to say about it.

I first talked to Christopher about returning to the role of the Doctor at a fan convention (Gallifrey One in Los Angeles) in February this year. Christopher said he was enjoying meeting the fans and was pleased that his Doctor was remembered so fondly. I am so pleased that Christopher has decided to return to the role with us – and I’m excited to welcome him to the Big Finish family as we discover the new adventures of the Ninth Doctor.

You can preorder the set already on the Big Finish website. What do you think of this news? It’s some huge Doctor Who news in a season of pretty big news for the show. Let us know in the comments.

For more on Doctor Who, Christopher Eccleston, or anything else, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.