Professional artist Lee Bermejo took to Instagram to express his feelings towards the MCU Spider-Man costume in Far From Home and posted his own art for comparison. Marvel Studio’s Spider-Man: Far From Home is set to release on July 2nd. Spider-Man: Far From Home follows Peter in Europe on vacation following Avengers: Endgame. That’s when Nick Fury recruits Spider-Man to help Mysterio fight the Elementals.

Lee Bermejo is an award-winning artist best known for his work at DC and most recently, Batman: Damned. His art is detailed and beautiful. It’s full of depth and ambiance. Bermejo can really work with values of deep blacks and highlights.

Batman: Noël 2011

Lee Bermejo weighs in on MCU Spider-Man

Although Bermejo is best known for his work at DC, he has worked at Marvel a few times. He’s also drawn Spider-Man. So, when it comes to creating Spider-Man costumes, Bermejo is no stranger.

MCU Spider-Man

So, on Friday morning, on the cusp of Spider-Man Far From Home’s premiere, Bermejo took an opportunity to share one of his Spider-Man illustrations on Instagram and take a jab at the MCU’s version.

Real spider-men don’t let their movie versions get a costume from Iron Man. They make it themselves at their Aunt’s place in queens.”

Lee Bermejo on the MCU’s Spider-Man

Many creators were quick to agree with Bermejo, and some took it a little further, noting that Uncle Ben had been replaced.

Peter designs his new suit


Marvel chose to skip Spider-Man’s origin, feeling that it had been told too recently in Sony’s reboot. Since Spider-Man’s appearance in the MCU in Civil War, many fans have been wondering when and if Peter will ever mention his uncle. Peter has referenced his influence to become Spider-Man, but has never directly talked about his Uncle Ben. Tony Stark has taken on mentorship in his place.

One of the fundamentals of Spider-Man is he is constantly broke and alone. Peter is the every-man. Someone, we can all see ourselves as, but in the MCU, he has a fancy suit from Tony Stark with a lot of technology. He also has other superheroes, a friend, and now his Aunt May that knows his secret identity. He doesn’t have the same level of burden he does in the comics.

MCU Spider-Man

Fans and professionals alike feel Tony Stark has overshadowed Uncle Ben and changed the dynamic of what made Spider-Man relatable. Do you agree?