Avengers: Endgame has come and gone…well, it hasn’t “gone” per se but hopefully by now you’ve seen it. For those that have seen it, we know that Thor retires as the ruler of Asgard.  We also see Thor board the Milano and appear to leave Earth with the Peter Quill and the remaining Guardians of the Galaxy. Recently the actor behind the God of Thunder, Chris Hemsworth, spoke about the character’s future.

While it is bittersweet, Endgame completed the story arc for many of its original Avengers.  By the film’s conclusion Iron Man has made the ultimate sacrifice to defeat Thanos, Black Widow has given her life for the Soul Stone and Captain America stays in the past after returning the stones as a much older man only to retire the shield.

Fat Thor

It does however not fully close the loop on characters such like Thor, Hawkeye or Hulk. There is rumor that Hawkeye will be getting his own Disney+ series, but it is not confirmed.  So, does this mean we will see Hemsworth in the next Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 or again in a Thor 4?

Thor himself weighs in

The Thor actor himself spoke about this very subject in a recent interview with Variety. Some of the other original Avenger actors, like Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans have publicly stated they are done with their roles (at least for now).  However, in speaking about his evolutions in the character of Thor, Hemsworth had this to say continuing on:

“I’d still love to do more, to be honest,” he says. “And I don’t know what the plan is. I feel like we’ve opened up such a different character. I feel more energized for the possibility of where it could go.” Hemsworth pauses to consider another outcome. “But I’ll use that in other places and other characters if it’s the end here.”

Chris Hemsworth, Variety
Chris Hemsworth

We are still waiting for Kevin Feige and Marvel to reveal their plans for Phase 4 of the MCU.  So, until then we will just have to wait to see what hints Spider-Man: Far From Home gives us to where Thor or any of our other favorite superheroes will be seen next!