With Star Wars Celebration only a few days away, many fans are excited about the exhibitor exclusives that come with it. Well if you are not lucky enough to get selected in the lottery for these items the Celebration store will have enough merchandise to keep the Jawas in business. There will be a lot to chose from this year so here are a few of my favorites that Starwars.com gave us a sneak peek at today.
Celebration T-Shirts
The first shirt we will start with is the Star Wars Celebration key art T-shirt. This shirt gives us a look of main characters from the Dark and Light side of the Force throughout the Star Wars Saga. Small through X-Large will retail for $27 and 2XL and bigger will be $29

The next shirt that is on my must have list comes from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. If you are like me and live near Chicago you know there is nothing better then a Chicago Hotdog and a cold beer. Well our favorite Dug Sebulba is bringing his own style to Celebration. Straight from is restaurant on Malastare he brings with him his Sebulba’s Hot Dugs shirts. Small through X-Large will retail for $27 and 2XL and bigger will be $29.

My last must have shirt is deep dish slice of heaven. No, it’s not one of the Windy City’s famous deep-dish pizzas. But its close, it is BB-8 in pizza form. Now you can enjoy your deep-dish pizza and wear it as well.

This Sith rises again. Just when everyone thought Darth Maul was dead, he is popping back up for Celebration. For $30 you can buy a Darth Maul plush and have him join you search for Obi-Wan Kenobi. But this is no ordinary plush it also comes with interchangeable legs. So now you can decide which Maul will join you.
Celebration: The Lunch Box
My number one must have item comes to us from the year 1978. That’s right from everyone’s favorite holiday show, The Star Wars Holiday Special we get Boba Fett’s first appearance on a lunchbox. This lunch box will also have pictures of Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker in their 1978 animated form. Don’t forget the Holiday Special is canon now so the only thing that would be better then this lunchbox would be the show on Blu-Ray.

These are my top five must have items form the Celebration store. You can see more of what the Celebration store has to offer by clicking here. The items are not for sale yet but keep an eye out because they should be soon. What are some of the items you are looking for? What are you most excited about for Celebration?
Well That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you. You can do that by hitting us up on Twitter @thathashtagshow and myself @starwarsnerd574. You can also comment from this article as well. Also make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com. Make sure you look for me at the Indiana Star Wars Collecting Community booth number 1238. Who knows I might have something to giveaway if you find me. I can’t wait to see you all at Celebration.