Francis Bacon said “Knowledge is Power” and the Power Ranger franchise is no stranger to that For 25+ years the franchises has taught generations of fans all over that anyone can be a Ranger. These teams always have certain types of Rangers: the leader; the hot-head; the calm on; and the heartthrob. One we usually tend to overlook, however, is the smart one. So here’s a list of the top 6 smartest Rangers.

Smartest Power Rangers, #6: Kendrix

Kendrix (Valerie Vernon)

Number 6 is our first female and second Power Ranger to wear glasses. Kendrix is one tough Ranger with an interest in all things scientific. She’s a science officer aboard the space station and having a logical explanation for everything. Being highly intelligent and analytical by nature, Kendrixnormally often forgets to stop looking at everything through a microscope. Sometimes she needs to be reminded to enjoy the wonders that are naturally blooming around her.

#5: Trip

Trip (Kevin Kleinberg)

The Xyber native Ranger may be the most naive member of the team. Notwithstanding, he’s a good Ranger in his own right. Trip is extremely skilled with technology, responsible for building his best friend and technical adviser to the Rangers, Circuit. Further, he built the Electro Booster weapon.

#4: Kendall

Kendall (Claire Blackwelder)

Kendall is the proprietor and lead scientist at the thriving Amber Beach Dinosaur museum. We can clearly guess her level of intelligence based on the information available to fans on the official Power Rangers website. The website States that Kendall is 26 years old. To be a museum director Kendall would have to already have her Ph.D in Paleontology. That means she started college well before 18. Kendall also served as the Rangers’ technical adviser,  developing auxiliary Dino Chargers and the E-tracer along side Shelby.