With a low total box office and no competitive new films, the old movies made the most noise by holding on to key positions. Not that should be surprising. We are in the dump zone of the movie year for a couple weeks more. With Next week being Superbowl weekend, next weekend wont change much either.

This week Glass managed to hold onto the #1 spot for its second week in a row since release. With a fairly even drop of 52%, Glass managed $19 million. While hopes may have been a bit higher for the close out to the Shamalan trilogy, considering the budget was a mere $20 million, it is doing pretty well.

Holding strong in its third week is The Upside. This film, starring Brian Cranston and Kevin Hart has been performing above expectations with a $12.2 million box office. This is a mere drop of 18%

Holding onto the #3 spot after six weeks is the holiday power house Aquaman with $7.3 million. While the $316 million domestic may not seem like much against bigger blockbusters, Its world wide total has sailed over the $1 billion mark, making this the largest DC movie of all time globally, third largest WB film globally, and the 25th largest global release of all time.

In the number four hole is the sole new release of the weekend. The kid film, The Kid Who Would Be King, could only manage $7.2 million. It has marked well with a B+ from Cinemascore, but between the time of year and audiences staying out of theaters right now, there is nowhere for this film to go.

Finally, the biggest story of the week is the #5 movie. In its seventh week of release, Spiderman, Into the Spiderverse, brought in $6.1 million. It now sits just $700k behind Sony’s biggest animation hit ever, Hotel Transylvania 2. This fascinating little movie just refuses to quit. For it to not win the Oscar for best animated picture would be a crime a this time.
With Next weekend being Superbowl weekend, dont look for much to change. The top 5 and money amounts should stay largely the same.