Does anyone remember that old series of video games called Battletoads? Do any of you know that there was a reboot of the games released back in 2020 for PC and Xbox One? Well, Rare, Diala, and Dark Horse are here to jog your memory with their new art book.
The Return of the Return of Battletoads!

Rare Ltd., Diala Studios, and Dark Horse Books are proud to announce The Art of Battletoads. To clarify, this is an art book for the 2020 remake of the retro game series, not for the series as a whole. The official synopsis from Dark Horse doesn’t quite make it clear, but well:
“Drop into vibrant illustrations of the game’s heroes, villains, and environments that evoke nineties cartoon nostalgia! Hop in and race through a wealth of production materials from early concept art to finely tuned combat and stage design throughout late development stages. This book is filled to the brim with unique development insights and also revisits the franchise’s classic titles, which informed an all new, battle-ready era of ‘Toad!
Celebrate the return of Rash, Zitz, and Pimple in this immense, 192-page art book for Rare Ltd. and Dlala Studios’ thrashing beat-em-up adventure, Battletoads!”
The trade paperback version of The Art of Battletoads will go on sale on June 15, 2022, for a retail price of $39.99. You can head on over to your local comic book shop or your local bookstore to preorder it. However, If you don’t feel like traveling, then you can visit Amazon or Barnes & Noble instead.
Battletoads (2020): Details
Unfortunately, the 2020 reboot of Battletoads did not seem to be as well-received as the original 1991 game. The 2020 reboot got 66% for the PC version on Metacritic, and 72% for the Xbox One version. It seems that the reboot lacked the difficult platforming of the original, but the game itself is still fairly difficult. But, it seems the reboot still managed to get mostly positive reviews on Steam. More recent reviews got a bit mixed, but overall, it seems like a decent game. Maybe that will encourage people to get The Art of Battletoads.
Source: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Steam