Story Synopsis: Marvel Knights: X-Men
The X-Men get a lead that mutants are being hunted and posibilly killed in a small town. It is up to Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Rogue to investigate in this week’s Comic Rewind, Marvel Knights: X-Men.
Rachel Summers got a psychic SOS imprinted as a mutant was being hunted. The X-Men were able to determine the mutant was in West Virginia. However, there wasn’t just one mutant, but three. They decided to go there quickly in case more mutants were in danger and before Cyclops and his group get there.

This was a different type of town. They didn’t take kindly to outsiders. However, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Rogue can handle themselves in any situation. Although, what happens if the mutants don’t want to be saved?
Marvel Knights: X-Men was written by Brahm Revel with art by Revel and Cris Peter. The volume was published in 2014 by Marvel Comics.
Marvel Knights: X-Men Showed Zero Chemistry Between Characters
I’ve read some other Marvel Knights comics and really liked them. I also love the X-Men so I was looking forward to reading this, but wow, I was disappointed.
Wolverine is my favorite comic book character, I am a big fan of Rogue and her accent. Kitty Pryde is fantastic. The three of them together seemed like they would be a fun team-up.
However, they have zero chemistry in the comic. There is zero fun banter or any sign of close trust between the characters. It almost seemed like this was only the second or third time they’ve ever met each other. I wanted them to share stories about their common past, but we only get Pryde saying Wolverine still treats her like a child.

Marvel Knights: X-Men Missed A Opportunity To Deep Dive Into The Characters
I love big X-Men team-ups and fighting against a powerful enemy. This does not have that, but I knew that going in. A small scale story is a great opportunity to showcase the characters and their stories. However, none of the characters have any growth. The two new mutants the X-Men find grow a little bit but not much. I also know almost nothing about the new characters and don’t care about them and if they live or die.
This comic is not bad or untrue to Wolverine, Kitty Pryde or Rogue as characters. They are fine, but they don’t show anything interesting. The comic is boring from beginning to end. It was a complete waste of my time to read this comic.
The X-Men are such interesting and dynamic team. It is really disappointing when they are not used anywhere near their full potential.