The Last Drive-In – Graduation Day Review

Hey everybody, have you heard the news? Joe Bob is back in town. This week, us Mutants put on our ball and cap as Joe Bob and Darcy helped us graduate. On this episode, they showed Graduation Day.

If you’re unfamiliar, every second week on The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs; the former Monstervision host and his co-host Darcy The Mail Girl feature a movie that sometimes has a timely theme (although, it’s not always necessary).

Did You Get The Requisite Credits In Graduation Day?

Once again, we have an episode of The Last Drive-In with no guests, but the segments focus on the movie and Darcy’s graduation. As Darcy never graduated from High School, Joe Bob offers to help her graduate. It is a heartwarming gesture that shows the love that not only the community has for these two and the rest of the cast but also for each other.

The movie was so-so. It was quite slow-paced at times, with a clunky plot and dodgy editing. The movie got more interesting for me once you got to the ending with some interesting choices. Still not sure it redeems the rest of the movie. There were some interesting kills, but the movie often undercut the kills’ effectiveness with bizarre editing choices.


Graduation Day

Graduation Day is hardly the strongest movie shown on The Last Drive-In, and the segments didn’t really help in bolstering and giving this movie more enjoyment. The lack of guests certainly didn’t help. While not the best episode of The Last Drive-In ever, if anything, Darcy got a diploma. So that’s got to count for something.

The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs airs live on Shudder every second Friday at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. If you miss the live airing, episodes are archived and posted the following Sunday.

For more on Horror, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

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